editing and writing for clarity

Plain Words

Posts on plain language and clear communication.

Learn to write so your reader will love you (yes, love)

I edit people’s writing to make it clearer, but I also teach other people to do this work.

Many professionals write so that their clients, patients, employers or others can make a decision or take action. Those reader appreciate clear, simple, well-organized information—no let’s blue-sky that, no facilitate instead of do. And absolutely no unexplained technical language.  

Your client, patient, employer and other readers will love writing that gives them what they need in the way they need it. Even if you are a lawyer, a healthcare professional, an engineer, an architect, or a social worker... you get the point.

If you would like to write more clearly, or edit someone else to be clearer, the Plain Language Academy can help.

We (because I am one of us) strive to be like plain language itself:

  • efficient to navigate to find what you need

  • easy to understand what you find

  • effective to apply

  • engaging

We offer core courses on plain language basics, audiences, and writing and editing.

Advanced courses include creating e-content, health literacy, design, testing, science, and strategic planning. I offer Editing for Plainer Legal Writing. And more courses are coming!

Learn more or register for a course.

Join us today!

Or, you can contact me or Kate for more information.